sebastian tooker construction, inc.
my name is sebastian tooker,
Dustan Rollins
is the strong and silent type. Dustan is the epitome of good hard Old School Work Ethic, and is a vital component to all that we do, whether he is running a team siding, roofing or inside the house applying final trim and finish. He is always early, works hard all day long, and never ever complains. Dustan is a marvelous father and husband, and I am proud to call him my brother in law.
Mark Mclaughlin
joined us over 10 years ago now and is an indispensible part of all of our work. Not only is Mark skilled in all aspects of our trade but He also provides overwatch for all of us and continually keeps us safe. He has earned the affectionate title of "mother", and hovers over us relentlessly. Side note, we will eventually publish our book on "Markisms", classic colloquialisms that Mark has taught us over the years such as "Tougher than a Burnt Worm" or "Hotter than a June Bride" etc. Mark is an excellent Man.